How we work: seven steps to a goal

1. Application

You send an application with the parameters of the object you want to buy. Or dial us.

2. Preliminary discussion

You are contacted by employees of the company specializing in the specified location. We discuss all possible options according to your wishes and budget.

3. Detailed consultation

Europe-House lawyers and commercialists explain in detail the procedure and procedure for the transaction, answer all questions that arise, including the issues of obtaining a mortgage and a residence permit abroad. Consultation at the request of the Client is carried out in the office or by phone / video link.

4. Object search

We select and present all possible offers on the market in the region and price segment of your choice, including objects under exclusive contracts, using public sites and closed resources.

5. Study tour

You come to the country for a personal inspection of the selected objects. You will be met by our employees or partners. These are only agencies verified by us with a history, reliable reputation and a license for this type of activity.

6. Object selection

On the spot, you choose an object that will satisfy you as much as possible in all characteristics.

7. Registration of ownership / lease

The signing of the title deed (purchase and sale / lease agreement) and the registration of the transaction are completely under our control and with our participation.

About company

The Europe-House company has long and confidently established itself on the European real estate market. Our assets are rich experience, perfectly developed mechanisms of interaction with European partners and impeccable service that allows us to satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers.

The Overseas Property Portal Europe-House helps clients to select, check and buy real estate in Europe. We will present to the buyer a reliable partner of the company in the region where the object is purchased. Our experts will give comprehensive advice on the issues of ownership, maintenance and operation, including taxation. The Europe-House team will help the Buyer to achieve the most favourable conditions for the acquisition of the property, completely eliminating any risks, providing high-quality service in the European market.

At the disposal of our buyers is an experienced team of managers and managers, clearly built algorithms for doing business, allowing them to work in various locations and price segments of the European real estate market. The successful representation of the interests of our clients in the European market is confirmed by numerous reviews on independent Internet sites, which are an indicator of unconditional trust in us. The impeccable reputation of the company is the result of many years of successful work, constant development and improvement, understanding of the high responsibility to customers and partners.


Europe-House guarantees that the price of a property purchased with our support will not be higher than the value declared on the advertising sites of the selected region and offered by local agencies. The buyer will not pay any additional fees and hidden commissions.

We guarantee that we receive remuneration only from our European partners. Europe-House does not take commission from clients. This condition is mandatory and is present in all contracts with real estate buyers.

We guarantee that our partners accompanying and securing the transaction on the spot have expert qualifications and experience, have all the permits and licenses necessary to carry out real estate activities in a given country. We respect our clients and will never send them to a company whose specialists we are not sure of.

Europe-House guarantees absolute transparency of the transaction and complete confidentiality of personal data.